Nov 20, 2019 | Non classé
After the feat at the European Championship in Guernsey last September, our French players will play in a new international competition, and not the least: the U25 World Championship in Newcastle, from December 2nd to 8th. The occasion for two of our young players to...
Sep 18, 2019 | Non classé
The French Lawn Bowls team keeps looking forward! Who would have thought, barely three years ago at the creation of the French Federation, that the national teamwould now be accustomed to our sport’s main events? Stéphane Fournier, head coach, and...
Sep 17, 2019 | Non classé
The French Federation of Lawn Bowls works every day to promote our great sport. We want to reach as many new fans as we can and to do so, we organized a discovery day on Sunday September 15th 2019. In the heart of Ardèche, in the south of France, the...