More than just a sport…
it’s a way of life

“Created in 2016, the FFLB’s ambition is to establish lawn bowls in France, with help from our “Bowls Social Club” labelled partners. Let’s not forget that lawn bowls is more than just a sport, it’s a way of life.
See you around in one of our Bowls Social Club!”

Patrick DUVARRY, president of the FFLB

Last News

Federal release: COVID-19

The French Lawn Bowls team prepares for their first World championships

The World Bowls Championships will take place in Gold Coast near Brisbane, Australia from May 26th to June 7th 2020. The French Team will take part for the first time in its history. 

The French Lawn Bowls team wants to become one of the greats

After the feat at the European Championship in Guernsey last September, our French players will play in a new international competition, and not the least: the U25 World Championship in Newcastle, from December 2nd to 8th. The occasion for two of our young players to...
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Our values


The FFLB is committed to full transparency toward the financial aspects and the achievement of its

Way of life

We want to foster the elegance of the game and the Social Club spirit of lawn bowls.


We are committed to understanding and respecting each other, different cultures and sporting practices in view of a sustainable process of cohesion.

Voluntary service

Our motto: “To serve others rather than to serve oneself”. Each member of the FFLB is a volunteer and is committed to contributing effectively to the achievement of our goals.

Mixed events

We encourage mixed team tournaments, with equal participation by women and men.

Competitive spirit

The FFLB wants to drive collective success, performance and selfimprovement.